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Writer's pictureA.J. Michiels

Energize your Confidence: Boost yourself up! by AJ Michiels

Choose to boost up your confidence with these simple solutions! Sometimes we feel like we have to be superstars in our lives and that can cause us some discomfort and uneasiness. ie in our biz's doing live videos perhaps or speaking at an event or in our daily lives with family functions. Moving forward and building on the little WINS is key to confidence boosting. Give these a go...

  • Create a Confidence Plan. Write out your goals to getting over say a fear of public speaking (did that make your stomach sink) that's perfectly ok. By creating a plan of action you can slowly build up to the goal of doing a live or speaking infront of a group. Remember little steps to build up that confidence!

  • Accept yourself unconditionally...flaws and all! So that when you make a mistake or feel that you are not as confident in a situation, fluff it off as well I am not perfect and that's ok. Try adding this to your daily mindset "I accept and love myself unconditionally! I am a proud work in progress!"

  • Choose to be Confident! I know right but mindset is really key! Successful people get butterflies, the difference is they don't let it eat away at them. They know they choose to let it go for the bigger picture ie fiancial success. What if you just choose the positive mindset that "you are going to be confident" see what happens to your mindset and how it will manifest. Of course you need to repeat it, repetition is what helps train your brain. Every morning add this affirmation to your day "I am a confident person"

  • Say yes to a Positive Self Talk! Say good bye to that little annoying voice in your head that keeps you back! Instead as you catch it, replace those words with " I can and I will do this _______". YOU totally got this!

  • Say yes to Something NEW! Trying something NEW may turn out to be something great! It gets you over the fear, you may learn something new, and it helps you build your confidence because you are adding a new skill to your skill set! WHOOT WHOOT!

  • Encourage others! Helping boost others up makes you feel good because you are helping make a difference in their lives! It makes you grateful for you life and helps you with compassion for others.

Keep building up, keep reaching up, and keep at it! YOU are the CEO of your life!

PS if you want me to tell your Inspirational Story reach out to me and I would love to see how I can support you and your dreams! xo AJ

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