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Writer's pictureA.J. Michiels

How be more Courageous, so that you can move foward, by AJ Michiels

One of the best ways to be courageous is to understand what you are afraid of and then refuse to allow it to paralyze you. Fear has a way of stopping you from moving foward, taking risks and making the most of opportunities that present themselves. Sometimes we lack the courage because of past experiences, we tend to put our guards up as a way to protect ourselves. Once you acknowledge that it is in fact fear holding you back, there are ways to move foward and to build yourself up. Benefits of courage outway the challenges of fear. Benefits of courage:

  • You will have a stronger self confidence

  • Allows you to have a different life perspective

  • Will help you as a leader by showing others they can do it too

  • You will use the opportunites that present themselves, as you are going to take an edcuated risks

  • Increase you sense of happiness because it will build your confidence

  • You will be more successful because you will allow yourself to create the life you want

Tips on How to be more courageous:

  • Maintain a Healthy Perspective

  • Identify Your Strengths

  • Examine Different Scenarios: Figure out different ones to see what the outcomes will be

  • Practice Leaving Your Comfort Zone

  • Reduce Your Stress

  • Celebrate Courageous Actions

  • Welcome Failure: its not a bad thing to fail since you took risks and stepped out of your comfort zone to build up your confience

  • Determine your speicific fears: What causes you to lack courage? What time frame did this start? Is it something that doesn't really affect your life? Identify them: Write out a list of fears, then you can develop a plan of action for the ones you feel you need to work on.

  • Celebrate your WINS! Recognize when you had courage. Write out all your Successes and keep this in a file that you can refer to, when you need to lift your spirits!

  • Develop a plan to build your courage. It will help you stay on track and show you what progress you have made. Plans can be revised as needed. Approach it as you would with any goal you are setting for yourself

  • Develop behaviours that build up your courage. Script out senarios. ie Messging potential clients you will need a script that works to get the sale, practice it so that it sounds natural

  • Break down the fear into simplier terms. ie Afraid of heights. Get specific: How high is too high, is it only when you walk on bridges etc

  • STOP comparing yourself to others. This is not only frustrating and demotivating but it keeps you from moving forward. You don't know what they went through and your experiences are different than theirs. Base it on where you are at, where you have come from and where you are going

  • Keep it Positive! Always look for the silver lining in each situation and ways to improve how you handle yourself

  • Have confidence in your abilities. Believe that you will succeed and that you can make your life fear-less. Write out a skills list of what you can do. Write out a success list of what you have accomplished. Write out what you want to achieve and your plan to do it.

  • Step out of your comfort zone on regular basis, will help you build your confidence and your skills. Remember to accept failures as ways to help you grow

  • Use your set backs as a way to build confidence. I used to stutter but it was in that, I learned to annunciate words better, slow my brain down and think about how and what I was going to say

  • Try things that maybe others haven't tried yet. Use your imagination to make it your own. I choose to write as I wasn't finding the ways to do things out there. I use my creativity to come up with ideas

  • Learn to relax and enjoy your life. Find ways to make you happy on a daily basis. Do morning, afternoon and/or evening self care

  • Have fun and laugh about it. Find the funny in everything you do.

  • Keep moving forwad towards the positive, accept that things aren't perfect and know that you are going into a more healthy lifestyle

When it comes to courage, it's never too late to start living a courageous life. In health and happinness, XO AJ

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