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Writer's pictureA.J. Michiels

Make yourself a Priority: Self Care Guide for the Holidays, by AJ Michiels

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

As the year comes to a close and we are busy running our businesses, shopping, wrapping, and planning the holidays...adding more and more to the stress...we find ourselves exhausted at the end of it all. This year why not build up your healthy living habits and make yourself a priority too this holidays! Make some time just for you on a daily basis to ease your stress, feel good, to help you be calmer and happier during this season!

Here are some tips to help you create a healthier and happier holiday season for you too:

  • Choose and commit to making yourself a priority! It is not selfish to want to do something nice for yourself. We need to nourish our mind, body and spirits too!

  • Create a regular daily routine. Choose to start a plan of action for you. Whether its little things that you can do throughout the day or just a 5min AM/PM or taking a ONE Day what works for your schedule, but do schedule some time in

  • START with a commitment of 5 min and build from there. Its only 5min but will truly help you in the long run as you are building up a self care routine

  • CHOOSE things that resonate with you, no point running if that is not your thang! Maybe walking is your thing, or doing a yoga class, or listening to relaxing music or music that gets you dancing around. The important thing is you choose what works for you!

Self Care Tip....Set your Intention...START with a commitment of 5 min and build from there. It's only 5 min but will truly help you in the long run as you build up a self care routine

AM Routine ideas...


  • It can simply be sitting and breathing. Thinking of all the things you are grateful for

  • Write your thoughts in a Journal. Write down your moods, your feelings, things that bother you, things that you are proud of, you WINS...whateve you like as its just for you! It is a place to help you grow and move forward

  • Do a guided gratitude meditation

  • Write thank-you letters to all those that have encouraged or supported you

  • Put happy thoughts into a jar and read one each morning


  • Repeat Affirmations to shift your mindset and train your subconscious to a more positive and loving mindset. It helps you to be kinder to you

  • Create your own, ones that resonate with you

  • Practice grounding or letting go activities ie. listening to higher frequency healing music, write forgiveness letters (you don't need to send them just for you)

  • Write a mission statement for your life

  • Read your goals and your why

  • Write out your top 10 strengths

  • Create a happiness file ie. pictures, happy notes, strength list, awards list


  • Create a plan of action, use a journal to keep track. figure out your current level and eating habits.

  • Choose things that you like to do! Cue up some workout videos, yoga classes, walk, run, join a gym or create one in your house. Choose what you like to do

  • Look at healthier food alternatives

  • Read food labels, lessen processed foods

  • Practice smaller portions before the holidays

Afternoon BOOSTERS (mini daytime breaks)...

  • If you are sitting at a desk all some chair stretches, get up every once in awhile to stretch you legs

  • Drink water and get up to have a healthy snack (prep some carrots/celery ahead of time)

  • Listen to some relaxing music in the background

Self Care Tip...Take mini breaks througout the day...your mind and body need rest especially if you are go-go-go all day!

PM Routine ideas...

  • Shut down media, socials distractions at least one hour prior just so you can clear you mind for a better sleep

  • Remove makeup and wash up, get into comfy clothes

  • Set up yoga or meditation space with pillows to relax your body

  • Put on some relaxing music

  • Do a guided sleep meditation

  • Put lotion on your hands and feet

  • Do some deep breathing activities

  • Write in your journal

Whatever you choose to do, that works for your schedule...ENJOY! In health and happiness, XO AJ

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