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Writer's pictureA.J. Michiels

Manifest your DREAM BIZ: Create the life you want! by AJ Michiels

Manifesting or creating or getting your desired outcome is what we are looking for in our businesses. We want to achieve our goals so that we can have more time and money for our lifestyles and families. Here are some tips and tools on how you can attract goodness into your life to achieve the success you desire!

What is Manifesting? Manifesting is using your thoughts and beliefs to attract what you want into your life. It could be wanting to attract a better job, a profitable business, or attracting better relationships into your life. Its about creating a clear cut pathway, actioable steps, and desire to achieve. With proper daily tools you truly can achieve your dream life.

How do you Attract? Anyone can achieve what they want, its teachable. By creating a daily set of customized tools to your needs you can follow your plan to get what you want.

Create your Manifestation Checklist:

  • Brainstorm your dreams

  • Choose 1-3 goals and set them out in an Action plan ie date, subgoals

  • Visualize yourself accomplishing your goals and imagine how you’ll feel when you achieve them.Pla

  • Write in your gratitude journal in the AM and PM

  • Use a vision board of your dreams

  • Write a letter from your future self depicting how it feels to have accomplished your goal

  • Keep your affirmations in the fore front, post it notes etc

  • Write down your daily intentions every morning to keep it fresh in your mind for the day

  • Be positive and grateful to raise your vibration and attract your dreams to you

  • Trust in the universe to help you achieve your goals in life

  • Place your affirmations under your pillow

Action Step: Write down your goal and place it under your pillow~this will help you visually in your dreams to achieve your goals

How to get started creating and manifesting your desired goal:

Start with your Dreams and Create your Goals:

  • Brainstorm all of your dreams that you want. Don’t filter it in this activity. Just take a few minutes to write it all out.

  • Choose one at time to create your actual goal from

  • Be specific as much detail as possible and attach a date to it. Write out your action steps to achieve it

  • ie. My new house has great natural light from lots of windows and always smells like cookies in the oven. I feel warmth from the sunlight flooding my space, but the fans keep me cool.

Visualize yourself living your dream life:

  • Sit down every morning and evening. Create a vision of yourself in every detail achieving this goal. Really immerse yourself in this vision. What does it feel like? Use all senses to actually place yourself in this vision.

Connect your dream to your emotions:

  • Imagine how you’ll feel when your dream comes true. Will you be happy? Will you feel a sense of success? Will you be excited? Let these emotions wash over you so you feel like your dream life is already happening. This signals to the universe that you’re ready to achieve your goal.

Take action toward your goal:

  • Make an action plan and start checking things off. You gotta take that first step if you want to make your dreams come true

Action Step: Step out of your comfort zone~this helps you build your confidence and strength. Belief in yourself is the key to success

Raise your vibration to attract what you want:.

  • Use a positive mindset to raise your vibration levels. Listen to uplifting music, write out your gratitud daily, use gudied meditations, do self care activities to improve your confidence

Release your fears and limiting beliefs:

  • Shift yourself into a growing mindset. Let go of past fears that stop you. Be patient with yourself and know that you are work in progress. Instead of feeling discouraged, shift to a positive mindset and focus on your action steps

Use affirmations to pump yourself up:

  • Positive self-talk can help you live the life you want. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams. I am going to have a successful business

Keep a gratitude journal:

  • Be grateful for everything you already have at this moment. Write it down. Express your gratitude every morning and evening.

Trust the universe—and yourself:

  • Believe in yourself and trust that you are doing what you are meant to do. There is a bigger plan for you, you just need to tap into it

Be flexible about what success looks like:

  • Be flexible with plans of action,. Things take time. Sometimes we need to adjust and re-adjust. Sometimes we need to change the plan all together as what we thought we wanted is now no longer serving us. Be patient and flexible

Stay focused on your dream:

  • Keep going on your dreams! Never give up!

  • Celebrate all the achievements...all of them! No accomplishment is ever too small.

  • Be strong and love got this!

In health and happiness, XO AJ

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