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Writer's pictureA.J. Michiels

Mini-Series Day 1:BOSS BABE Bootcamp! Kick butt this SPRING with yourRockstar BIZ!! by AJ Michiels

It's time to ReBOOT your BIz as we enter into a NEW Season!! WHOOTWHOOT!! Get EXCITED about your BIZ...YOU are the CEO of your Life!! How cool is that?! Ya it is!!

What we are going to cover today is: It all starts with YOU...This is where all the magic happens, Creating + Getting Super Crystal Clear on YOUR Vision, What is your Niche? and Go Brand Yourself! Let's get started...

It all starts with YOU:

When it comes right down to it, the Biz starts with you. How you show up for your Biz on a daily basis. What is the image you are portraying? What is your message? Who are you? What is your unique and brandable story? Sharing your story is your gold!! keeping a Positive Mindset and Confidence Boosters!

  • Pictures! When posting online pics of you, make sure that the lighting is good, your face is completely in the picture, the angles are good, you have makeup on (your face shows up better), you look presentable, watch whats in the background of the shot.

  • Your Bio speaks volumes! Make sure you add a short, but jam packed info on you, your biz, and your lifestyle. Add something FUN/Quirky!

  • About message: Make sure its like your Bio, but make it a bit more indepth about your story, your reason why you are helping others, and who you actually help! ie. "I help Stressed out Female Bosses, release, heal, and move forward. Using positive mindset and healthy systems. Enriching their lives with more love, positivity and healthy living." Keep it simple but pack a WOWY!

  • YOUR Story: Make your story something that really resonates with your Ideal Audience/Niche! You want to be approacheable, relateable and trusted! People buy from people they know, like and trust. Share what you feel comfortable with, maybe a little uncomfortable at first to share, but believe me once I posted it...I felt so much better. I keep most things to myself but I realize that there is "someone out there" who needs to hear my story to help them also be brave and move forward.

Creating + Getting Super Crystal Clear on YOUR Vision:

You need to get super crystal clear on what your Biz and Lifestyle vision are. When you can break things right down to the nitty gritty, it will help you in the long run. Figure out What is your WHY? Why? because this is what is going to propel you into your 6 figure Biz! What are your Dreams~Goals~Action plan~Next Action Steps...MAP it out!!

  • What is your reason for going after your Biz dreams? Why do you get up everyday to do this? Who are you doing this for? IS this for time and more freedom, is this for more money so you can retire early? Is this for tuition for your kids? When you get clear on it, you will focus on the day to day and not any negative that may come your way. This...your why...will be what keeps you going!

  • Create your "Adjustable" Action Plan! I say adjustable because it will be revised and rebooted as you go and get closer to your dream lifestyle. Things will change but the bulk of your work will remain the same. Create a 10, 5, 3, 1 year plan. Break down your year into months and your months into weeks, and weeks into Daily Action Steps. Make them manageable and mark them off as you do them. THESE little Daily WINS are whatz going to take you to your Dream lifestyle!!

"THESE little Daily WINS are whatz going to take you to your Dream lifestyle!!"

What is your Niche?: Let’s solve that NICHE & MESSAGING problem that is holding you back from leaving your day job and building that Dream lifestyle that you are wanting! WHO is your ideal client? Let's dive in why it's super important to find your exact niche! Create your Avatar/Ideal Client. Who do you help? How do you help?

  • Who is your ideal client? Who do you help? What is the product(s)/services you offer. go back to your I help statement: ie. I help Boss Mamas with skin care to make them look and feel good. I teach them how to get their own financial freedom.

  • Make sure you its a niche you like, you want to help and is in alignment with your vision and goals. We are going to be spending lots of time with these people make sure you find the right one...Because if you are selling to everyone, you are selling to noone. Get clear.

"If you are selling to EVERYONE, you are selling to NOONE"

Go Brand yourself! Why Branding yourself is key to your success! Let's dive in...

  • YOU need to stand out in an online platform, because there are lots of folks out there doing it too!.So put your best foot forward and give yourself an Advantage!!

  • Use brand colours, graphics and logos that match your ideal brand, niche, and your type of products that you sell.

  • Make sure your picture and message is the same across your social media. So you are more recognizable (it takes at least 15 x for someone seeing your stuff to remember or feel like they recognize you or know, like and trust you). ie Profile, Page, Group, Insta...

Hope you find this of value...join us for Day 2!!

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