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Writer's pictureA.J. Michiels

Simple Steps to Build Better Healthy lifestyle Habits....Healthy Hottie Hints...By AJ Michiels

When it boils right down to it we do really want to live a healthy lifestyle...but its the thing that seems to be put on the back burner. As with our busy BOSSBABE careers + Home Life schedules this type of self care tends to come last. We end up so tired, that we end up creating bad habits of eating on the go, lack of sleep, too much caffeine, and lack of exercise.

A little about My Story...

...I was overweight, exhausted, and sad because I couldn't fit into my clothes. I hated my body and was worried I was going to have a heart attack. I felt like others treated me differently, even though I was the same person inside. I was embarrassed to take photos because of the weight. So..I decided I deserved to treat myself better and so I did a few things to change that. I lost over 67 pounds and have maintained my weight/healthy lifestyle for over 15 years. I'm here to tell you it can be done...

It can be different with just a few simple steps to build a better lifestyle habit... Some Healthy Hottie Hints to get you started:

  • Drink more water. Seems simple enough but we tend to grab that coffee instead. If you get a large water bottle and keep it with you, you tend to drink more of it. Add some lemon if you wanted a bit more flavour. If you work out, the average water intake is at least 2.5 litres of water (or fluids).

  • Get a journal! Write down everything you ate in the last 5 days. Be real with yourself include that extra cookie. Its best to know exactly what we are eating so we can see why we are not losing the weight we want to or why we feel sluggish. Record the times of days you are eating to. A regular schedule helps regulate bowels and how you feel.

  • Take your measurements. This is where the weight loss shows is in the inches not the scale! You will feel better about yourself as you embark on your fitness journey as you will be able to celebrate the inches lost wins!

  • Plan and prep your Healthy Snacks ahead of time. As you are doing up veggies for dinners, set aside some carrots/celery/cherry tomatos in a separate container. Want dip? Use some plain yoghurt, finely chopped cuccumber and seasoning...Voila some greek dip!

  • Cut out pop, processed foods (lots of sugar which turns to fat), sodium (oh ya lots), creamy dressings/sauces, and on the go take out. I know that sounds harsh but all those extra sugar/salt/fats really bloats and makes you gain weight.

  • Try not to eat late nite! Late nite snacking just sits there and instead of your body resting/repairing while you sleep (as it is supposed to do) instead it is working on the digestion of what you just ate. Also caffeine late nite affects your sleeping.

  • Good Night Sleep. Get into the habit of an evening routine to get the optiminal sleep you require. Honestly this is the thing that changed my world as I used to toss and turn all night. Just add even a little soft music while you wash up for bed.

More tips to add down the road...

  • Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins

  • Incorporate healthy fats into your diet, such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil

  • Consume probiotics to support healthy digestion

  • Choose whole grain carbohydrates over refined grains

  • Eat breakfast every morning to get your day started off right

  • Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods

  • Enjoy plenty of fiber-rich foods like beans, oatmeal, and leafy greens

  • Avoid foods high in saturated fats, such as red meat, cheese, and fried foods

  • Consume healthy sources of calcium, such as dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified cereals

  • Eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like fish, chia seeds, and walnuts

  • Consider adding garlic and other heart-healthy herbs and spices to your meals

  • Don’t forget to take your vitamin

  • Stay active with regular physical activity

  • Don’t smoke or use other tobacco products.

  • Limit alcohol intake

  • Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels

  • Ask your doctor about a suitable fitness program

  • Do self care activities to de-stress

  • Get onto a regular walking routine (easy on joints and you can go at your own pace)

  • Get out into nature...AMAZING what being around trees and birds can do for you

Even just a few small hints can help you onto a more healthy habits lifestyle, in health and happiness xo AJ

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